
If any item in the unfortunately arrives to you from us or our suppliers are damaged, please contact us as soon as possible on 01752 202551 or by email at or the relevant supplier. We will then advise you on the best course of action. In most cases we will ask you to return the item to our suppliers for exchange* or refund.
*All return shipping costs are to be made by the customer. Please do not return a damaged order or unwanted order without contacting us first or the relevant supplier via phone 01752 202551 or email

Returns/Refund Policy On Receipt of your order, we request that you check the items as soon as possible. If for any reason you are unhappy with your order for any reason, please contact us on 01752 202551 or Please have your order number to hand when contacting us as it will allow us to find your order quickly. 

We recommend that you send your order back to the relevant supplier using a tracked delivery service as we/they cannot be held responsible for any item lost during transit to us.

We are unable to accept returns at Abella Home Co. Any items sent to us without our authority, knowledge or acceptance will not be refunded or exchanged

Once your item has been returned, our suppliers will inspect it and take the necessary action to notify us as soon as possible as to the outcome.

Please note, we can not accept the following items for return:

  • Mattress protectors, divan beds or pillows unless they are unopened, unused, and still in their original packaging.
  • Mattresses or divans that have been used without a mattress protector.

These conditions do not apply to bespoke items* ordered from us. If your order includes a bespoke item, this will be indicated to you at the time of purchase.

* Bespoke items are those that are custom made or personalised in any way. This means they are bespoke to the individual and therefore cannot be resold.

If you have any further questions on this subject you are welcome to contact us at any time either through the store, by email at or phone us on 01752 202551.